Eyes are windows to the soul
“He had never believed in reading things into people eyes. All that windows-of-the-soul bullshit.” - 2000 Rough Draft by J. W. Hall
The Eyes are the windows to the soul - where did a phrase like this come from? There seems to be a great deal of debate over the origins of the phrase. Some credit Immanuel Kant for that other sources simply state that it is an old English or Arab proverb. One theory is that this age old phrase came from science. I haven't been able to find the phrase in any translation of the Bible I have access.
Mark 7:20-23 may hint at such a thought. The Lamp of The Body is The Eye Matthew 6:22,23 says, "The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is simple, your whole body will be bright; but if your eye is wicked, your whole body will be dark. If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!"
The phrase 'The Eyes are the windows to the soul' - occurs in a number of variant forms: the face is the index of the mind is among those exemplified below.
The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter - Cicero Orator lx.
The eyes are the wyndowes of the mynde, for both ioye & anger are seene through them.-1545 T. Phaer Regiment of Life
The affections of the minde declare them selues openlie in the face.- 1575 J. Pilkington Nehemiah
You have not to learn that the face is the outward index of the mind within.- 1864 Mrs. H. Wood Trevlyn Hold I
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the monitor is the window to your system.- 1997 Windows Magazine
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George Grie, January 2007
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Eyes are windows to the soul
Eyes are windows to the soul