A metaphorical reinterpretation of the famous Bible story. "Many surrealists became fascinated with mythology. According to Freud, myths revealed psychological fixations and desires that were latent in every human being. Swiss psychologist Carl Jung went on to argue that myths, regardless of their time period or geographic origin, displayed remarkable similarities. He explained these similarities through the existence of what he called the collective unconscious, a layer of the psyche that all of humanity somehow shares. Just as dreams displayed irrational images that revealed the psychology of the dreamer, myths revealed the psychology of all humanity." (Dreams, Myths, and Metamorphosis)
Landscape face mountains hands myth column architecture, scenery facade wall hand allegory line structural design, Spiritual Bible sacred Surreal visionary philosophical contemporary surrealist artist modern Surrealistic phantasmagoric incongruous imagery divine inspirational motivating
Unauthorized Obsession
Unauthorized Obsession